Friday 2nd July 2010: Private View (6-10pm)

Saturday 3rd July 2010: Public Event (1-6pm)
KidZone (11:30am)

Tank Gallery,
The Ladywell Tavern,
80 Ladywell Rd London,
SE13 7HS

Admission: FREE



Emerging artists present a one-day, arts event at Tank Gallery (Ladywell, SE13).

Private View: Friday 2nd July, 6-10pm
Public Event: Saturday 3rd July, 1-6pm
KidZone: Saturday 3rd July, 11.30-1pm

Helen Bower and Sarah Telman are proud to announce the debut event by cutting-edge new arts organization, REACT.

A range of art (including graffiti, textiles, sculpture, and poetry) will be on display to captivate art lovers from all walks of life. In addition, REACT will transcend the conventions of an art “exhibition” with live music, film, dance and spoken word performances.

Aspiring to “inspire impulsive artistic responses”, everything at REACT’s debut event will have been created in response to ‘Refraction’, a piece of music for solo violin and electronics. ‘Refraction’ will also be performed live, set amongst the art it has inspired!

Throughout the duration of the event, REACT will consider the audience as vital contributors, rather than merely spectators. Visitors to Tank Gallery can take part in a Q&A session with the event organisers, ‘REACT-2-REACT’ (a space where everyone is invited to create their own artistic response) and ‘KidZone’ (a family-friendly workshop).

Helen and Sarah envisioned a project that would support cross-art collaboration, unite talented artists and bring an innovative arts event to a local community. We hope you can be part of transforming our vision into reality!

Join us! Discover your own creative REACTion…

For further information please visit:

For all enquiries please email:
